Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hating on Cuffin.

There is nothing wrong with being very picky and hostile towards CUFFIN (being in a relationship).
There are a lot of people out there who are not ready for commitment or ready to change their ways.
Ways meaning: one night stands, games, tricking, etc.
If you are looking for commitment; just let it come to you and pray on it.
Mixing up and mingling with the wrong people will get you hurt and turn your heart cold.
Trust me I know; I too been there.
When you do find someone and you make it past the 6 month quarter, ask yourself if they are worthy; and have they proven themselves to you.
You also have to know how to read people; if you don't, you'll end up hurt in the end.
You don't have to snoop around and go through anyone's things to find out what they're doing or what they been up to.
If you have to do that, then its not WORTH IT!
Relationships are based on a foundation of TRUST & HONEST.
If yours like both those things; then there is no relationship there, I'm sorry to tell you.
You can hate on cuffin all you want; that still isn't going to bring you someone you want by your side.
Be patient, pray on it, and be positive; I'm just saying.
We all get our feelings hurt and go through shares of heartbreaks.
But at the end they all lead up to someone we are destined to be with; remember that.
God doesn't inflict hurt on us for his entertainment; its for us to know our strengths.
Also to have FAITH in him and what he is able to do.
So I advise others not to talk bad or down play anybody's else relationship; because you're not in one.
That's when you classified as a HATER.
Truth be told, everybody deserves love and happiness; you just got to know what you want and willing to sacrifice.
Every person you date or get with come with their own package.
You make the decision to stay or leave.

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